WOW. What is Love? Many have replace love for lust. In this book, we shall learn a lot about the meaning of real love, what are the Character of Love. You will then know how the healing power of love functions.
We shall learn in this book like: Love is a fundamental phenomenon in human existence. It is what human beings cannot ignore. Even right from the beginning of the world, love has been existing. This implies that love is as old as the world. It is not an exaggeration to conclude that love is the essence of humanity.
The creator’s manual for human life – the Bible, reveals that the Most High, the King of kings, and the Lord of lords abounds in love. He is love – 1 John 4:16.
- Love is regarded as too valuable to be interfered with; sacrosanct.
Love is a spiritual law that guides the existence of humanity. This book will prove to you that, a life without the spirit of Love will become a life full of hatred, bitterness, and total darkness.
You will learn by his grace: The Love of the world.
The love of the world is an aberration of God’s love. It is a perverted kind of love that exists in self-glorification and self-centeredness. The devil who is the author of this kind of love introduces this love to the world to disrupt God’s kind of love in mankind, hence achieve its goal which is to steal, kill and destroy the lives of many.
Example of this kind of Love:
If I should give an example of this kind of love, l might use some little number of the youth in the society today as an illustration just to portray what l am about saying.
Some of the youth today will pretend to be in love and use it as an opportunity to engage in fornication. Fornication is a sin. This is born out of lust and not love.
Fornication and all manner of sexual immorality operate from the spirit of lust and it is of the devil and not God. It is birthed from the lust of the world and not the love of God. Therefore, it comes with every characteristic that is not in God’s love. It does not have patience, hope, peace, joy, happiness, sacrifice, and every good gift that is found in the love of God. That is, if a man and woman bear the love of God; the characters of patience, sacrifice, peace, hope, joy, happiness which are amongst the gifts of God, they will all manifest in their relationship.
You will learn about the real love of God and its Subject.
You will learn about the Characters and Qualities of God’s Love.
Love is Unconditional
What is unconditional love?
You will be taught how the true love is paying of sacrifice. True Love is sacrificial. Love is caring. Love is forgiving.
Far more than fifty characters and qualities of God’s love. Please, don’t fail to come and joint us to unfold the full meaning of Love.
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